About This File
This Script it made for users which have an Vectorworks Architecture but have not the core business to draw walls, slabs and roofs to make a presentation ambient for their designs. It helps to create room situations very fast and especially very easy.
1. Concept
It pulls Symbols out of a Symbol folder which are Room-Presets. As Presets Rooms can exist, that have a rectangular shape and inner dimension of exact 2 meters. Slabs are supported also (No extrudes etc.) and roofs. Best Practice maybe is to keep existing presets and just change classes as example. If we are working with presets we can "save" a lot of parameters in the Object-Info-Palette which makes it faster and easier to use.
2. Workflow
Copy Symbolfolder and PlugIn in your project and you can use it immediately. If you want to change details you can ungroup (cmd/ctrl. U) the objects into Walls and slabs. So you are able to insert Windows, Doors or changing other Details.
3. Known Limitations/Details
- Rectangular Room presets only
- Switch on/off ceiling with classes
- Texturize by classes
- Changing classes by editing preset Symbols and attach other classes/attributes
- You can Mirror the Room to get left/right rooms