About This File
In everyday life job is very often reading and writing record fields of user record formats
and PlugIn objects.
Situation Now:
1. Marionette users have to know the record name and need a lot of knowledge to get the universal name of PIOs
2. Marionette users needs to manually find and transfer the field names into string nodes and also have to know a
workflow to find the universal field names of PlugIns.
3. copy/paste of the names or writing the values is stressful and often results in type errors.
What does this Nodes improve:
1. Quick access to record formats, PIO records and field names
2. See the localized and universal names (if exists) of the fields, returns universal names to the script automatically
3. Can also be used in combination with "print debug" to show names for editing existing networks without using directly
the node
What's New in Version 1.0.2 See changelog
No changelog available for this version.