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Festoon Strings 2.0

   (6 reviews)

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About This File

This is a Marionette object that creates an array of festoon strings. The Marionette object has four control points (one for each corner) that allow you to place each corner at a specific location and height. You can adjust the number of strings, the number of arcs in the strings, and the overall depth of the arc. The objects arrayed along the festoon strings are symbols so you can use the ones provided or create your own. The symbols provided have glow or light objects in them, so they can be used in renderings.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


I have added a new version of this file - it has two Marionette objects: one is the original Festoon String Array, and the other is a single Festoon String. This allows you to place single strings with only two control points.




ComputerWorks has created a German version of this file!


Dies ist ein parametrisches Marionette-Objekt, welches eine Reihe von Lichterketten erzeugt. Das Objekt hat vier Kontrollpunkte (eins je Ecke), anhand derer die Position und Größe der aufgespannten Fläche eingestellt werden kann. Neben der Anzahl an Lichterketten, lassen sich auch die Bogenanzahl und -tiefe sowie der Abstand von einer Leuchte zur nächsten bestimmen. Die Leuchten (Symbole) sind entlang einer Kette aufgereiht und lassen sich über die Informationenpalette gegen beliebige andere (auch eigene) austauschen. Da die mitgelieferten Symbole bereits mit Leucht-/Glüh-Daten ausgestattet sind, eignen sich die Lichterketten besonders für Renderings sehr gut.

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Firstly thank you for making this and for sharing. I am having a little trouble with using the tool however and I wondered if you could help?


Sometimes, when I move the control handle to align the festoon with where I want to 'rig' it from, the festoon bulbs seem to appear to become detactched from the string and end up hanging at strange heights relative to the string.


Then also sometimes when I move the control points, the whole festoon object disappears altogehter. The OIP says that it is still selected but the object has disappeared altogether and can't be found in the docuemnt?


If you have any tips or pointers to resolve that would be great as this tool would be so useful to me without these kinks.


Thanks in advance

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I have problems if I try to duplicate or edit a string that's already in my project file. If I copy and paste another one from the original marionette file then I'm able to relocate the control point without problems.

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@SBarrettWalker I'm loving your festoon lights, it makes my garden designs much nicer. I do have a question about the festoon lights though. How do I make the light bulbs more yellow? The reflection in the windows is the color I like, but the lights themselves stay white. Do you have a sollution? What am I doing wrong?

Hope you can help me out!


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