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Create Stories 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

Creating stories, levels, and layers can be a tedious process, especially for tall, multistory projects. This wrapper allows you to automate that process based on an overall building height, typical floor heights, and default levels. You can create up to 4 Layer Levels and 2 Layerless Levels. To create fewer Levels, leave any of the Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3, Layer 4, Layerless Level 5, and/or Layerless Level 6 fields blank.


To use this script in a new file, simply import the wrapper into the file, place it in the drawing, and run the script. The settings of the script are very similar to the levels and layers created in the Vectorworks template, but you can customize them in the OIP of the wrapper. To change the Story suffixes and Story names, double click on the wrapper and the select the Get Story Names node. There are settings that you can change in the OIP of this node as well.


NOTE: Existing stories and story-associated layers that match the names of the new stories and layers will be deleted every time you run this script. Existing stories that DO NOT match the names of the new stories will not be deleted but may interfere with the creation of new stories. It is recommended that this script is run in a file without existing stories, levels, or story-associated layers.

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


Here is a 2019 version


Create Stories v2019.vwx

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I am not sure what that error means, but I added the 2019 version to the post itself - maybe you will be able to download it from there.

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Hi @sbarrett

Thank you for this great Script 👍

However, I noticed that the wall height is not adopted:

("Ebenenwandhöhe" = Wall height)


Do you know what that could be?
Tested in VW 2020 SP4 (550627) and VW 2019 SP6 (522773).


Greetings KroVex

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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

Hi @KroVex - The wall height is separate from the story height in Vectorworks. This allows you to draw walls at a specific height that are NOT bound to specific stories, only Layer Wall Heights. If you draw walls that are story-bound, then the walls will adjust with the stories. Since the premise of this script is to create stories so that story-bound wall styles will work, I didn't make any changes to the Layer Wall Height.

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