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Symbol to Group 1.1.0

   (1 review)

1 Screenshot

About This File

This node converts referenced symbol to group using the specified conversion options.

OIP controls:


  • Don't convert subobjects
  • Convert plug-in and symbol subobjects
  • Convert all subobjects



Created by ComputerWorks GmbH.

Edited by ComputerWorks

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


* Removed the buggy ungroup options of the script.

* Swapped the EPS logos for PNG logos.

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This node works well in plan view but there is no output  in any other view. Could it be modified or can I add some nodes to make it work in a 3d view?

Then I think i can solve the problem in this topic :


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I noticed the difference between the symbol's content being used in the example file for "Symbol to Group" and that in yours is the plane reference.

Yours is "Screen", while the one in "Symbol to Group" is "Symbol Definition". I think that is where you should look into.

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All right ! I have converted the object in the symbol to 3d polygons and now it's working.

Thanks a lot.

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ich weiss nich genau, was die einstellungen bewirken, entweder sind die optionen abweichend von dem Befehle strg+u oder ich bin zu doof.

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On 12/15/2023 at 10:40 AM, Antonio Landsberger said:


If anything the script should make a copy of the disassembled symbol and move it to the right.
Did it work with the original file before you started modifying the network?

I opened the file i did not do anything but it does not work anyway.

I think there is a bug on the Ungroup ifs part (which can be easily obtained with an ungroup node after the symbol to group node):
I corrected the script removing the ungroup part and testing is working..

class Params(metaclass=Marionette.OrderedClass):
    # Name
    this = Marionette.Node('Symbol to Group')
    this.SetDescription('Converts referenced symbol to group using the specified conversion options.')

    # Input Ports
    Symbol = Marionette.PortIn(vs.Handle(0), 'hSymbol')
    Symbol.SetDescription('Marionette Node')

    # OIP Input
    op = Marionette.OIPControl('Options', Marionette.WidgetType.Popup, 0,
                               ["Don't convert subobjects", "Convert plug-in and symbol subobjects",
                                "Convert all subobjects"])

    # Output Ports
    group = Marionette.PortOut('hGroup')


def RunNode(self):
    # inputs
    option = self.Params.op.value
    Symbol_h = self.Params.Symbol.value

    #correct script
    node_copy = vs.CreateDuplicateObject(Symbol_h, vs.GetParent(Symbol_h))
    h = vs.PrevObj(node_copy)  # { store "h" as placeholder }
    vs.SymbolToGroup(node_copy, option)
    group = vs.NextObj(h)
    output =[]

    # outputs
    self.Params.group.value = output


Edited by FranAJA
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