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Get Symbol from Folder 1.0.0

   (1 review)

3 Screenshots

About This File

This node returns the name of a symbol chosen via selection dialog with previews of the symbols in the current document. If a folder name is given, only its content is shown.


When dealing with a big number of different symbols with long and possibly names difficult to remember, just click the "Select Symbol ..." (OIP) and visually select the symbol within the dialog window.


Created by ComputerWorks GmbH.
Compatibility: Vectorworks 2019 and higher.

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User Feedback


   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Awesome Node.
I will never want to do without it again. One Tweak I made for myself is, that when I call the symbol dialog I am able to see a preview of the last chosen symbol. Often I have no idea, how my chosen symbol looks like (because in a scripting progress I can't see already the result). With some additional lines in the node, I am able to call a preview very fast and in a lazy way.  Maybe an idea for implementation if you either way have to touch the node anytime 🙂


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