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Items on Shelves 1.0.0

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About This File

Hi, This simple network places items from a selection of symbols onto shelving. You can decide on the shelf width and depth and the item numbers will adjust to suit. The idea is to move the objects to suit your shelving then select different items from the dropdown to get you desired effect. Currently to get a more random looking front when you are happy with the look just explode a few and delete a few items to make it look more real.  Looking at ways to make the random placement automatic, will see how it goes.


You can make your own folders, but you will need to change the script at the beginning to get it to work.


Any questions just ask.


Work in Progress.


Thinking so far in relation to different categories of stock you could create duplicates with symbol folders and Marionette Objects of different stock and use whichever is appropriate.

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