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Apartment Tag / Wohnungsstempel 1.3.5

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About This File

About this File

This tool is available in english ("Apartment Tag") and german ("Wohnungsstempel"). The contents are nearly the same just translated.


This Marionette Tool summarize all Space-Areas, which are part of the same Appartement Number and shows the result in a symbol based Marionette stamp. Alternatively we can pull out sum of apartment area with a worksheet. But this Marionette is also a nice method to do this.



1. The Marionette Objects access to the field "11_Room ID" of the space object. Every other field can be used if necessary by editing script.
2. With the Marionette PIOs field "ApartmentID" you can tell the stamp, which apartment should be displayed
3. With the Checkbox "Layer from Apartment Tag". You can make the Tag collecting spaces of the tag's layer. Otherwise it will collect areas from the layer of the layer popup
4. You can exclude Spaces with specified keywords. Delimiter for Keywords is "$"
5. To use the Marionette PIO on the Target Document, copy/paste the PIO and then import the Symbol definitions from the Folder "ApartmentStamps" on the Target Document.



Über diese Datei

Dieses Werkzeug ist auf Deutsch ("Wohnungsstempel") und auf Englisch ("Apartment Tag") verfügbar. Die Inhalte sind bis auf die übersetzten Bezeichnungen nahezu gleich.


Der Marionette Wohnungsstempel fasst Wohnungsflächen zusammen und zeigt diese in einem Symbolbasierten Marionette-Stempel an. Raumflächen können auch mittels Tabellen ausgezogen werden. Der Wohungsstempel ist eine komfortable alternative.


1. Räume welche zur gleichen Wohung gehören, werden mit dem Standardfeld "Raum ID" identifiziert. Auch andere Kriterien für die Wohungszugehörigkeit können festgelegt werden, dazu muss das Script geändert werden.
2. Im Feld "WohnungsID" wird eingestellt, welche Wohung angezeigt werden soll.

3.  Mit der Checkbox "Ebene von Wohungsstempel" lassen sich explizit die Räume auf die Ebene des Wohungsstempels eingrenzen. Ist die Checkbox deaktiviert, gilt die Einstellung "Räume von Ebene:" 

4. Räume mit bestimmten Namen, können hier ausgeschlossen werden. Trennung der Namen erfolgt mit "$"
5. Um den Wohnungsstempel auf einem anderen Projekt zu verwenden, zuerst das PlugIn mit copy/paste übertragen, dann die Symbolressourcen im Ordner "Wohnungsstempel" auf das Zieldokument importieren.




Edited by DomC

What's New in Version 1.3.5   See changelog


Fix für FB und RB Höhen 2024
Fix for Elevation Values 2024

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Hi Pat, 


I could not find a corresponding setting.


Meanwhile i managed to work around with my non existent python skills.   

i added following line to "float_to_string_universal" in the space before the last line. 


s_value = str(s_value.replace(".", ","))


That worked for me. 


Meanwhile i have another problem...

Sometimes the symbol disappears when i want to rotate. 


Any hints?



plagued Philipp



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Hi I dont know if anybody has already asked this, but is it possible to get the updated version but for an older vwx? if i download the newest Update of this I cant open it and i think that if I'd download an older one i'd probably not have the benefits of resolved bugs/problems in newer updates.. right?

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in a project, we used Marionette as a basis and made some graphical adjustments to the apartment tags. They initially worked great.

Now, the apartment tags are no longer displayed, They are definitely still in the file, just not visible. The correct layer is turned on, and the class cannot be changed - it is grayed out and set to "keine".


Does anyone know how I can make the apartment tags visible again?






in einem Projekt haben wir die Marionette als Grundlage genommen und die Wohnungsstempel grafisch etwas angepasst. Funktioniert haben sie erst auch super.

Nun  werden die Wohnungsstempel nicht mehr angezeigt. Sie sind auf jeden Fall noch in der Datei, nur nicht sichtbar. Die richtige Ebene ist eingeschaltet und die Klasse kann man nicht ändern - steht ausgegraut auf "keine".


Weiß jemand, wie ich die Wohnungsstempel wieder sichtbar schalte?




Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-24 um 14.42.54.png

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Possible, that the Objects got Broken (there was a Bug, Styled Marionette PIOs got Broken in Projekt Sharing under specific Circumstances lower than Version Update 5). Or maybe the Symbol Based Graphic is hidden in 2D and just visible in 3D View. There you had to change The Object inside the Symbol all on top view or all on 3D. If you mix just the symbol content of the activated view would be visible.

If broken, maybe try to edit the Style if it is styled and look, what is broken inside the style. If so, try to find on an older Backup your script and copy it inside the style. Or if you did not changed the script, just the Symbol, you could re-import the style from the Download-Version and replace the "maybe broken" existing Style. 

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Hi there,

Thanks for the Marionette! We use it quite a lot in the office and want to adjust it to our needs. Unfortunately, I dont understand the Marionette-Tool well enough to do it myself, but is there a way to add more variable text fields, like the "Room" field? We tried to dublicate the nodes we thought are responsible but it didnt work. Maybe you can mark the parts we have to modify?


Best regards,



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Create Additional (dynamic or non dynamic Field) in the Tag:
1.  Edit Record Format and create new field
2. Edit Symbol and link new Textfield to that new Record Field
image.png.b61c244e485fdb3b056a8ba8c4b64703.png  image.png.01b391df4ea73633897b211acbc4bc2f.png    image.png.f82c1c35c43c796eeb4d3316aeec3500.png
3. Edit the Script and link an input or a computed value to that record field

Exit the Script Style and then you should have a new input Field. 


Importand. Edit the right Symbol, which you use in the Wohungsstempel. 


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On 8/21/2024 at 6:17 PM, JP3112 said:

Would it be somhow possible to use the net area instead of gross?


Yes it should be possible. If you edit the script you find the string input for the feald name of the area

Since 2024 it is a new field (MeasuredNetAreaNum) you can see the right field names with a worksheet as example. In past i did used other fields but i think i never used the grossArea (BruttoFläche) Field. The Field MeasuredNetAreaNum is a special Field which is compatible with Vectorscript and has not to be parsed from a string to a number which created so many troubles in past version (while the biggest time consume of the script was the game, how to convert a Text like "1.045,186m2" (which can be different for every document settings, and country settings of the computer)    in a number like 1045.2?)
Just to say, why i recommend to use one of the field with ... Num at the End. This can be converted to a Number in a reliable way by the custom Marionette Node Str2Num from the Wohnungsstempel Marionette.


Edited by DomC
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How and where do I assign another Field in the Script?

(New to Marionette)



1. The Marionette Objects access to the field "11_Room ID" of the space object. Every other field can be used if necessary by editing script.


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