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Barn Door 2.0.0

   (3 reviews)

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About This File

Here is a Marionette object that functions as a schematic Barn Door. It opens and closes with a slider and has separate 2D and 3D geometry. The wheel and hanger are a symbol, so if you wish to change their look you can edit the current symbol or create a new one. The insertion point of the symbol must be where the wheel touches the track.



What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


Here is a version that works for 2019

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@sbarrett this is our first download from the forum page, just curious because we have the dutch version wondering if it would work. And it does! So happy :).. Good job on the marionette! Hope we will use it soon in a project! Thanks for sharing! ^thoben&minten

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This is fantastic.  I've spent too much time just sliding the door open and closed 🙂


Now the next step is to get this barn door to be scheduled.  When I made my own barn doors, just a 2D / 3D symbol I would have to create a cased opening.  Of course on the door schedule generated within Vectorworks, the barn door I made is labeled as a "cased opening"



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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

I did give it a record but I did not attach the actual door record. If you click on the data tab of the object, you can see the fields I gave the record - if you have any other suggestions I would be happy to put them in. 

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Hi sbarrett,

Thanks for sharing this work.

I was wondering how you managed within marionnette to get differents aspects for 2D and for 3D ?

I'm searching inside your nodes network, but I can't find out how it works…


Thanks again !


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  • Marionette Maven


In general, planar objects in Marionette scripts will show in a Top/Plan view, and 3D objects will show in 3D views. 2D Objects created with Marionette are set to screen plane by default which allows the Marionette Object to display as a Hybrid object.

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On 7/5/2018 at 2:53 PM, sbarrett said:

I did give it a record but I did not attach the actual door record. If you click on the data tab of the object, you can see the fields I gave the record - if you have any other suggestions I would be happy to put them in. 

Hi Sabrrett, thank you for this, I agree with rgcn, It would be great to be able to show this on schedule as a door object as well as being able to use the data tag tool (vwx2019) to tag the door with a standard door tag. Wondering if this is possible with marionette as I am just beginning to learn?

Edited by majamotion
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  • Vectorworks, Inc Employee

No this is not possible with Marionette as it is not possible to attach/associate the parametric record of a Vectorworks Door to an object that is not a door. However, in Vectorworks 2020, we have added a Barn Door configuration to the Door tool so in Vectorworks 2020 this Marionette object is no longer necessary.

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