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About This File

This is my first marionette and it's based on @Marissa Farrell's image processing! 


It takes an image and creates a Halftone object of it with black circles:




  • Final objective is that I'll add cnc DXF milling information to this marionette so that it can be milled on a CNC machine.
    (We've milled Halftone parts in the past using Jason Dorie's Halftone program http://jasondorie.com/page_cnc.html)image.thumb.png.9a162eb8e5f5bbe81c141176e68d46ad.png




  • Maybe add a line milling. The image below is milled by us in the past with Jason's program.
  • Be able to change the dimensions of the final halftone image. Now it takes the pixel width and height of the image, but I would like this to be some adjustable parameters. Changing the height and width with Set Height and Set Width has no effect. Somebody has a suggestion on how to do this?
  • Now the marionette looks at the color of each pixel on a grid with step "Distance between Circle Centers". Related to that color, it creates a circle with according radius on the position of that pixel: 
    The problem with this method is that that single pixel on the grid has total control on the radius and the one pixel just next to the chosen one has no relevance. A better mechanisme would be that the size of the circle is related to the average color of all the pixels in the area of the square "Distance between Circle Centers"x"Distance between Circle Centers". Anyone with some advice on handeling this? I got some little progress on it:
    Here we have 2 lists. One with all the pixels. X,Y coordinates of the pixel, Z is the radius of the circle according to the color. The other list has the X,Y values of the centers of where the final circles have to be placed. 
    Following this we need to check the distance of all the image points to the center points. If this is smaller than a condition, then that point's radius had to be taken into account for calculating the average radius of that centerpoint. Any one has a quick hint on how to create this in marionette?



What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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Hi @Marissa Farrell,


Thanks for sharing the updated nodes. I opened the file in 2021 and added the Python Externals by the default commands, but unfortunately the network/nodes doesn't seem to work. See attached screenshot and converted file. 


Then I tried it in 2020, and it works just fine...


Any chance you could look into this again? Many thanks! 



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  • Marionette Maven
4 hours ago, Tbai said:

Any chance you could look into this again? Many thanks! 


Looking into it now and I have it logged into bug tracking because I think the issue is possibly bigger than I can handle. Will do my best to keep you posted.

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Hello everyone


I'm trying to build a puppet that merges drilling directly with Interiorcad's NC export.

@DomC @Stephan Moenninghoff


Can someone tell me why the Interiorcad holes are not updated immediately after changing the database?


If there are only a few holes, I can cut them out and paste them in again. However, if there are too many, the file can no longer be opened.


Thank you for your help.



Ps: Regarding contour stroke, can I control each vertex individually in z-value?




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Vor 1 Stunde sagte DomC:


Thanks @DomC


The reset node seems to be doing its job, at least partially.
The holes are updated.
Why is only the hole in the top left shown correctly?


The component derivation also seems to recognize only one hole.
Is there still only the process of cutting and pasting in the same place?



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