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  • Silent Installation of Vectorworks 2012

    PVA - Admin

    NOTE: This article is intended for IT professionals with an understanding of the command line/terminal interface. 

    This article is not intended for all users and is not a required procedure for installing Vectorworks in a standard work environment. 

    Do not use these steps unless you are specifically attempting to initiate a silent install of Vectorworks in a network environment or are specifically instructed to do so by Vectorworks Technical Support.


    The Vectorworks installer provides a command line interface for either pre-populating options or driving a silent installation from the command line.


    To run a silent installation, the first required option is '-q'.  This tells the installer to not present a GUI to the user, and install strictly based off of settings given to it by resources/vwinstaller.cfg (found in the appm bundle on the Mac platform) and any command line arguments given. 

    When doing a silent installation, there are four required arguments:


            -u      user name

            -c      company name

            -s      serial number

            -d      installation destination






    show this help message and exit





    company name





    alternate location for configuration file





    destination to install files to





    location to write log





    location of packages directory




    do a silent install (no GUI)





    install a module only





    serial number to use for installation





    user's name




    run as updater





    set the logging threshold, can be set to CRITICAL,ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG

    Mac OSX:


    Insert the Vectorworks installation DVD, or mount the downloaded installation disk image.

    Open Terminal.app (found in /Applications/Utilities)

    Change directory to the newly mounted directory:

    If you are using physical media (ie a DVD or CD), you will enter the following command:


    cd /Volumes/Vectorworks


    If you are using a downloadable installer you will need to enter the exact name of the image file after it has been mounted, ie:


    cd /Volumes/Vectorworks2012-SeriesE-Full


    You can also type, cd /Volumes/Vector and then hit the tab key, the rest of the path should be completed for you.  


    Hit enter.  If you see no response, it has completed successfully.


    To install, enter the following, all on one line with USERNAME, COMPANYNAME and CXXUSE-ABCDEF-GHIJKL-SRNMBR replaced with your user name, company and serial number respectively first:

    sudo InstallVectorworks.app/Contents/MacOS/InstallVectorworks -q -u "USERNAME" -c "COMPANYNAME" -s CXXUSE-ABCDEF-GHIJKL-SRNMBR -d /Applications/Vectorworks2012


    Note that if you see a message that says "[WARNING ] Failure to import builddb." you can safely ignore it.  You can also safely ignore a message saying "failed due to bad configuration" during installation, that is just the Adobe AIR installer, and generally this means AIR is already installed.  When the installation is finished, control will return to Terminal.app.


    The instructions are identical for an updater, aside from modifying them for differing filenames (UpdateVectorworks.app, for instance)




    Open a command prompt. (If installing on Windows 7 or Windows Vista you may need to run the command prompt as an administrator.)

    Insert your physical media, or unzip the downloadable installer or updater.  Navigate to the location of the installer on the command line ie:



    Downloaded Installer: 



    In the same directory as InstallVectorworks.exe (or UpdateVectorworks.exe), issue the following command with USERNAME, COMPANYNAME and CXXUSE-ABCDEF-GHIJKL-SRNMBR replaced with your user name, company and serial number respectively first:

    InstallVectorworks.exe -q -u "USERNAME" -c "COMPANYNAME" -s CXXUSE-ABCDEF-GHIJKL-SRNMBR -d "C:\Program Files\Vectorworks2012"


    Due to an issue with supporting both the GUI and CLI versions of the installer, the installer will immediately return control to the command line.  This is normal.  The installer will continue installing in the background into your destination.  You can verify if it is complete by examining the file InstallerLog.txt (or UpdaterLog.txt) to see if it says "Silent Installation Complete" on the line immediately preceding "Program terminated normally".


    The instructions are identical for an updater, aside from modifying them for differing filenames (UpdateVectorworks.exe, for instance)

    Edited by JimW

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