It is important to start by making sure that you have the correct direct connectivity driver, before trying to connect Hog 4 and Vision 2.3/4 PC.
This discussion is valid for the following configurations:
Hog 4 Console V3.2+ to Vision 2.3/4 PC
Hog 4 PC V3.2+ to Vision 2.3/4 PC (Same or Different computers)
NOTE: This is for Version 3.2 of Hog 4 or higher. Users of Hog 4 Version 3.1 or prior should review the following post:
Go to the following link to download the latest version of the Hog 3/4 Connectivity Driver. Make sure that the driver and Hog 3/4 software versions match.
Step 1: Start by clicking on Control Panel
Step 2: Select the FixtureNet tab on the left side of the screen. In the past, Visualizer Connectivity was managed by HogNet, now it is part of the FixtureNet configuration.
The network environment could take on several different iterations. We will discuss the 3 most common configurations.
If the network that both console and Vision PC are connected to has a DHCP Server running (which will supply both console and Vision PC an IP Address), continue to Step 3.
This is the most common configuration when using Hog4PC
If the Hog 4 and Vision PC are in an isolated network, you will need to specify the Fixture Net IP address, continue to Step 9.
Step 3: Be sure that you have selected the appropriate Network Adapter at the top. If you only have a single Network card, it will be selected and greyed out, not allowing you to modify it. However, if you have multiple cards, you need to select the right one. THEN, Click on the button that says "Obtain an IP address using DHCP". Note that if the Network adapter finds a "valid" network, it will show the Link Status as "UP"
Step 4: On the Vision computer, you should set the IP address to obtain its IP address automatically, as well. Begin by opening the Control Panel. We are showing Windows XP screen shots. The steps for Windows Vista/Windows 7 may be slightly different, but basically the same.
Step 5: Double-click the Network Connections icon in the Control Panel
Step 6: Select the appropriate network connection, Right-click on the active connection, and select Properties:
Step 7: A Local Area Connection Properties dialog will open. Scroll down to the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) option and click the Properties button.
Step 8: Once the dialog loads, click on the "Obtain an IP address automatically" radio button. Then click OK.
The Console/Hog4PC computer and Vision computer are now networked to communicate. Skip the remaining steps in this section and go directly to the TURN ON VISUALIZER STREAMINGsection below.
Step 9: To specify the IP address assigned to the Console, click on the "Use Custom IP Settings" button or "Use Default IP Settings" button.
Then, underneath, specify the IP address that you wish to assign to the Hog 4. In this example, we have used for the IP address of the console, and a Netmask of The other values are not critical to Vision connectivity.
Step 10: Perform steps 4-7 above for configuring the IP address on the Vision computer. Then return to Step 11 here.
Step 11: Once the dialog loads, click on the "Use the following IP address" radio button, enter the IP address that you are assigning to the Vision PC, Subnet Mask, then click OK. In this example we used IP address and a Subnet Mask of NOTE that the IP address of the PC and the IP Address of the console must be in the same subnet... meaning, the first 3 groups of numbers in each IP address must be identical (10.0.0.x), and the 4th number must be different.
Step 1: Back on the Hog Start dialog, click the Settings button.
Step 2: In the Settings Dialog, click the "Run Visualizer Stream" box and Click OK.
Now, you can continue to LOAD SHOW
Step 1: Launch a new show or Launch an existing show.
The Hog 4 software will now launch. Continue to VERIFY NETWORK
Remember, firewalls will block this connection, and Vision and Hog4 cannot communicate without a valid network environment.
If you are using Windows XP, be sure that the Windows XP firewall is disabled. (See for instructions).
If you are Using Windows 7, 8 or 10, be sure that User Account Control (UAC) is turned off. (See ... ga-sw-vista/ for instructions .)
Step 1: Now start up Vision 2.3/4 PC...Once it is open, click on the DMX tab in the upper left. Select Change DMX Provider.
Step 2: After selecting Change DMX Provider, a window will open up, change this from the default to HogNet.
Step 3: This is where Hog 4 3.2 has changed and added some additional configuration on the Console. Click Setup button on the Front Panel of Hog 4, then press the Network button. This will open the Network panel.
Step 4: Notice that there is now a Visualizer section. Select Visualizer 1, and then press the Setting button.
Since Vision is running, you should be able to use the Dropdown in the "Detected Visualizers" to see your instance of Vision. If Vision is not running, you can force the IP address of the Vision computer, and select ESP as the Visualizer Manufacturer. Click OK.
At this point, you should have control of Vision 2.3 PC from the Hog 4.
If you continue to have issues or questions, contact ESP Vision Support by phone, Live Chat, email or by posting to the forum.
Edited by JimW
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